Help!!! Ants

There are ants in my backyard and in my garden! Please save my garden from these little black ants... arg. I have tried bate traps and grits with no success. What can I do for the cheapest and quickest (most importantly most permanent)!!!

baby #2

Thought I would let everyone know that we are expecting baby #2 on November 12th! We find out hte gender June 23.

Crazy life

k, things have been super busy... so to recap-

*FRI the 24th we started moving into our home
*This last WED we finished cleaning and checked out (so nice to be done!!)
*Thursday- last day wit hour own interent (hence me using my sister-in-laws laptop right now)
*TODAY - my inlaws got here form Seattle for my other sister-in-laws baby blessing this weekend
*TOMOROW - baby blessing, yummy food, good memories

and thru all of this as much unpacking as possible... which has been a couple of boxes... next week

Enjoying our new home and family and UNPACKING!

Recently I have learned that life is exciting, surprising, sad, busy, all wrapped into a ball of much more emotions, but the best is to live life!