Movie reviews: Indiana Jones , Speed Racer, & Iron Man

For any of you who know us well, you know we love movies. So after seeing Indiana Jones today we thought we would share our thoughts and we'd love to hear yours!

::Warning:: Parts of these movies will be discussed and we do not want to ruin any ones endings!

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: Okay so we saw this today and were sorely disappointed! The movie was jam packed with action and cool stunts which included a new one... vine swinging with monkeys! But towards the middle something was a little fishy, I think it was the cemetery scene when Indiana states, "It can't be crystal..." while holding the skull, which made Jason and I wonder why the movie was called the "Crystal Skull". Also if you see the movie you'll agree - Aliens and Indiana don't mix!! Shia LaBeouf does a decent job trying to break free of his Disney mold! Any who definitely worth seeing in a dollar theatre but save your big spending nights for Speed Racer or Iron Man.

Speed Racer: At first the bright overly saturated colors are a little overwhelming but after the first bit you begin to enjoy the awesome cinematography! Mega funny! Lots of great actors and great action scenes. I think one of my most favorite was when John Goodman takes on a Ninja! the movies is full of fun romance and neat footage! Some good twists and a movie that would make any family walk out of the theatre wanting to start up a racing team! Great movie and well worth the theatre experience!

Iron Man: Now Jason saw Iron Man while I was on my road trip, but I thought I would add in his comments! He states " Iron Man and Speed Racer in comparison are two different movies! Great movie! If I had to choose between Speed Racer or Iron Man... it would be Iron Man!

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