Morning thoughts

I just got up this morning before the sun had really came out to go tend to my garden. I have peas, corn, green beans, lettuce, cabbage, carrots, pumpkins, and cucumbers.

Since this is the first time I am blogging about my garden I will disclose that there have been abstacles from sprouts being eaten whole, to weeds growing at light speed. Well this morning it was the invasion of the snails! Yikes! And within 2 days they have managed to eat like crazy! [Any good inexpensive tips are welcome] I was spouting mean words and theatenings while chucking them across the yard. My neighbors must have thought I was crazy.

Another observance I noticed is while pulling some weeds in an area where I had planted seeds but nothing came up, I found some carrots growing! The thought immediatly came to me that "Good things CAN grow within so much bad".

This thought really yanked my heart. I have a very close friend to me right now who is struggling within herself. She is not living alot of the standards of the church. It has been hard for me to love her and not say much. She knows what I think and I want to stay her friend, but when I found those carrots sprouts in my garden growing under so much ick it made my heart have hope. And I feel it was a little message from Heavenly Father, that for my friend " The good that is already planted ,within her heart, CAN grow!"


Becca said...

that is a profound thought. thanks for sharing. it is a great feeling to have hope.

Trish said...

Hmm well I have more Texas gardening experience now than Utah experience. But you should try square foot gardening next season. I have had nearly 0 weeds and few pest problems. Also, cucumbers like to choke out other plants so give them plenty of room.

Amanda said...

When you pick up the snails, put them in plastic bags and without killing them (ie. don't step on them) throw them away. That's what our Utah landlord did when they found snails. Stepping on them can spread snail eggs. Good luck!

karla said...

What a great message - thank you for sharing. :)