Memory Game

This blog idea came from Joanna. Play if you'd like to.

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.


Joanna said...

Natashia, I remember going to Temple Square with you for the R.S. training workshop just after we were called as presidents. That was such an overwhelming time in my life. I was so grateful you were there to experience it with me!

Trish said...

I remember when we played all those games together and then you went and bought them! That was great!

Becca said...

I remember first meeting with you (I think I was with Emily at the time) and you explained that your "Mr. Clean" without the "r" and that you lived in apartment 315. I'm usually horrible about remembering names of people when I first meet them, and equally horrible about remembering which apartment they were in (unless is was next door), but for some reason these two facts stuck. Perhaps it was because you were so cute and friendly!

Dustin, Heather and Gavin said...

We have awesome memories together! Truly you are one the the best friends I've ever had. We have laugh our selves silly more than just a few times!! Like at Joann's Craft store u know, we to go to the back of that place sometime!! Another memory the tea party and painting our toe nails all pretty. I painted the snowflake on your big toe u know! And you did mine in Candy cane stripes! The camping trip in Moab and you trying to catch a lizard. I have a picture of you by the way trying to catch that lizard. Also my Favorite memory of you was when we including Jason and the boys went out to feed the ducks and you ran through all of those ducks waving our arms and scared them all away it was Funny I do have that on Video as well!! It was pretty funny. I was watched it today after church. Thanks for coming and spending the night last night. It was fun!! Love ya Tosha!!!