Banana Bread for the cold

Banana Bread

This was just the remedy for the cold weather for me today. Banana bread and hot cocoa! Yum!
Here's the recipe-


stephasauri said...

Mmmmm! It looks delicious! You have inspired me! I'll put banana bread (or maybe pumpkin bread) on my to do list for tomorrow (or course putting it on the list is no guarantee of anything, except maybe that I'll feel bad if I don't get it done)!

Becca said...

sounds good! I'll remember that combo when the cold weather comes here! After a cold, wet first two weeks of September, it has be sunny and warm (mid to upper 70s) here ever since--and the 5-day forecast predicts the Indian Summer to continue. :)

Mark, Stef, and Grace said...

That actually sounds really good. I can't wait to go buy bananas tomorrow and wait for them to go bad! I'll have to pull out my coca-motion and make some hot chocolate too! Thanks for the tip.