I saw a mouse in our house today! EEEEeekkk! i just bought some traps... I feel really bad killing a mouse but its got to go. Happy hunting right?


Trish said...

You just need a wild cat to hunt it down for you. We used to have one, but we have no idea where he is now. He did get rid of a lot of mice though, while he was here.

Jason & Natashia McLean Family said...

Used a sticky trap last night, and we had success in one night! thsoe things work great, though I felt bad for the mouse, it was still alive!!! Jason even told me when he left to work, "don't get the mouse out of the trash". I wanted to google how to free a mouse from a glue trap and set it free in the mountains. Alas

Tyler, Brooke, Katelyn and Tanner said...

oh gross! i'm so sorry. it's never fun to find any kind of creature in your house, but especially a mouse. they move so fast.

Wendy said...

I vote for the cat too!! We had a mouse problem a few years back, and we decided to get a cat. Best choice ever. She is a good hunter, and caught her first mouse within an hour of bringing her home. Mice = GROSS!!! Hope you don't have anymore problems with it.