Tysons b-day

This year has just flown by! It's like since we found out we were expecting time has gone a million miles an hour (no complaints). Well this week we are 33 weeks along and counting...

Heres a recap of Tysons party earlier this month. He had a 'vroom vroom' party and it was neat to have so much family and friends around. We played a couple of games, had some cake and then Tyson and the other toddlers fought over presents. I admit- it is kinda cruel to ask a group pf 2 year olds to watch one kids open presents and then insist "mine".

Well on another note you can see I am huge and wish I could stop growing... someday (not soon) my balloon will pop. I've decided that I am cursed and anyone due near me will have their baby early. It happened with Tyson and its already happening again. Well, heres to my complaining (sorry) and to on time babies!

1 comment:

La Familia Young said...

I was like, "What? Tyson is 2???" I guess it makes sense since Camilla will turn two in a couple of weeks. Glad to see you had a nice b-day party! And good luck with the new baby Natashia! I hope you don't go over your due date :) Take care!