I had forgotten how hard moving is, and now that its almost done I don't want to move for another couple of years! YIKES!
So yes, we have moved to a larger 2 bedroom apartment! And despite the complaining it kinda feels like Christmas! Our bedroom is no longer the baby room/craft room/ storage/ bedroom! Yeah! Keep in touch 'cause we will be having a "house warming" party/ BBQ in a couple of weeks! I'll post some pictures once the house is put together!

P.S. And to make things even better its finally feeling like summer!! That puts a smile on my face!


Trish said...

Hurray for moving! I guess it's our turn next!

Brooke said...

The actual moving process is very daunting, but once your done, it's so worth it. Do you have some pictures of your great new place?

Becca said...

congratulations on your move! It does feel nice to have more stretching room!

Sarah said...

Are you going to try our ward? I have been looking for you guys. Hope you like your new place!